Quick start
Download VeriMAP from http://saks.iasi.cnr.it/emanuele/software/VeriMAP/

and run the following commands:

  tar -zxvf VeriMAP-linux_x86_64.tar.gz
  cd VeriMAP-linux_x86_64


Getting help

./VeriMAP -h

Verification Conditions (VCs) generation

./VeriMAP program.c -v smallstep

where 'smallstep' denote the interpeter for the smallstep semantics (use 'multistep' to get the VCs from the multistep semantics).

The VCs can be found in the file named 'program.c.map.transform.pl' located in the same folder as the 'program.c' file.

Constraint propagation

./VeriMAP program.pl -c mdg

where 'mdg' denotes monovariant generalization with widening and convex-hull
(try 'VeriMAP -h' to get the complete arguments list for the -c option).

The transformed CHCs can be found in the file named 'program.transform.pl' located in the same folder as the 'program.pl' file.

Clause reversal and constraint propagation

./VeriMAP program.pl -c mdg -r

Predicate pairing

./VeriMAP program.pl -p

The transformed CHCs can be found in the file named 'program.transform.pl' located in the same folder as the 'program.pl' file.

Convert CHCs from Prolog syntax to muZ SMT-LIB2 extension (*)

./VeriMAP program.pl -o muZ

(*) http://rise4fun.com/z3/tutorialcontent/fixedpoints
The translated CHCs can be found in the file named 'program.z3' located in the same folder as the 'program.pl' file.

Convert CHCs from Prolog syntax to pure SMT-LIB2

./VeriMAP program.pl -o smt

Check the satisfiability of the CHCs using z3 with Duality

./VeriMAP -s z3 program.pl

Check the satisfiability of the CHCs using Eldarica

./VeriMAP -s eldarica program.pl

Note: CHCs solvers are not included in the .tar.gz archive. The CHCs solvers are available at the following links:
- the Z3 theorem prover: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3
- the Eldarica model checker: https://github.com/uuverifiers/eldarica

To get model/unsat core:
- add '(get-model)'/'(get-unsat-core)' to the .smt file,
- replace '(query incorrect)' by '(query incorrect :print_certificate true)' in the .z3 file,
- run z3 with the muZ format by using 'z3 -smt2 program.z3 fixedpoint.engine=duality fixedpoint.print_certificate=true'

Benchmarks of hundreds of examples of verification problems (mostly taken from the SV-COMP and the benchmark sets of
various software model checkers such as DAGGER, TRACER, InvGen, and WHALE) can be found in 'benchmarks/cp/' (benchmark
set for VCs generation and constraint propagation, divided into 'integers' and 'arrays', for integers and integer arrays
programs, respectively), and 'benchmarks/pp/' (benckmark set for predicate pairing).

Useful links: